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Taking a trip can be a cause of stress due to the changes we will make in our daily routine. These may include different food alternatives and more or less exercise than usual.

These changes can affect blood glucose. When we travel, staying within the established limits increases the probability that we will stay healthy and in good shape.

Planning to keep diabetes on track is just as important as planning your trip! 

One of the great advantages of Diabetes is that you can eat almost anything if you control the portions and quantities. You still have to take precautions and not forget that this disease can be treacherous.

Organize and maintain a meal plan away from home

Before leaving it would be important that you know or learn to  count carbohydrates , so you can be more flexible with meals.


Diabetics do not need specialized restaurants so much (especially type 2 diabetes), simply  choose restaurants with extensive and varied menus . The more options, the easier it will be to find a dish that fits our diet. Through the above article, we can recommend you the latest dresses.Shop dress in a variety of lengths, colors and styles for every occasion from your favorite brands.

When you eat out, watch your meals!  

We are not going to teach you how to do a low carbohydrate diet here, without a doubt that you. They must be well educated about it by now, although on vacation…

But, but… what are you doing with that croissant in your hand, you’ve already eaten 3?????

A couple of tricks to keep in mind and use outside the home.

Plan to do physical activities

Changes in your activities can affect your blood glucose control.

During the trip, we will be sitting for long periods and blood pools in his feet and legs. This can cause inflammation and not allow blood to circulate as it should.

Travel by car : every 2 to 4 hours make a technical stop. Take the opportunity to load the tank, go to the bathroom and walk for a few minutes

Travel by plane or train : Get up frequently (every hour) to walk down the aisle.

If you are going to exercise/walk more than usual

Long walks, swimming in the sea, going to the pool, skiing, biking, etc. Here what you have to prevent is low glucose!


Take with you the glucose meter to control itself. Watch for symptoms of hypoglycemia and always carry a couple of emergency snacks:

Rule of 15:    in case of hypoglycemia, consume 15 grams of fast-acting carbohydrates , it can be a box of natural juice, a soft drink (obviously with sugar), some sweets, or simply a couple of sugar packets (7 grams each) .

After 15 minutes control blood glucose, if it is still low, 15 more grams of carbohydrates.

If you have type 1 diabetes and use insulin Carry a Glucagon emergency kit   in case of severe low glucose.

Protect your feet while traveling

  • Watch for foot injuries. Check your feet daily using a mirror and maintain your routine care.
  • Only wear shoes that are comfortable and have been worn (even if new shoes fit perfectly, they can be stiff and cause blisters).
  • Avoid stockings with large seams and elastic bands that can interrupt your circulation. Remember the trick of wearing your stockings inside out so the seam is on the outside.
  • Take rubber sandals or special water shoes, for the beach or for the water. DON’T WALK BAREFOOT IN THE SAND!
  • If your skin is going to be exposed to the sun, use a sunscreen to protect it.

Attention to heat and dehydration

Heat and consequent dehydration increase the concentration of glucose in the blood.


Heat also influences the absorption of insulin, which can cause an alteration in glucose levels.

Drink at least 2 liters a day and more if you do significant physical activity, even if you are not thirsty! (with age and neuropathies the thirst reflex is inhibited)

Isotonic drinks are very suitable for people with diabetes who practice sports, since they include minerals.

But be careful, it is not for everyone, since in general these drinks also have 6 to 7 grams of glucose per 100 ml.

Sources Section Diabetes

American Diabetes Association® ``35 Top Tips for Travel With Diabetes``
BD Getting Started™ ``Travel, Vacation and Diabetes Handbook``
NovoNordik Diabetes Foundation “Diabetes in Summer”